The Minstrel of the Kings (LD41) Little Virus Laboratory GameBall 3000 Heart And Mind Updates And Upcoming Projects    
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     __                    __           ___   ____ 's
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Copyright(C) 1987 Jacoder23

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  April 23, 2018

Here’s the link!

Things didn’t go as I planned and the end product is lacking in many places, the thing that matters to me is that I managed to finish and that I could continue this project after I sleep for a straight week.

Do please check it out as it’s only 5 minutes and a rating and some feedback would be much appreciated!


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Ludum Dare 41 is starting in a few hours.
	April 20, 2018

Expect a postmortem once I get some sleep after all of this is done.
Welp, time to lock myself in a room for 48 hours. You won't hear from me for at least 2 days.

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Working on some art and some music.
	April 16, 2018

I'm starting to try to overcome the programmer-level art I've been stuck with for so long and I'm also working on a new track of music that I'm planning to use in an upcoming game. Here's some stuff I made pretty quickly:

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Glacial Space Mining (Do listen to it please, I think I did pretty well for this one.)

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I still suck though at art.
I think my music is better though, not that good but it's at least better than my art.

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Ideas for new and current projects?
	April 15, 2018

So I'm currently in a rut for new project ideas. So far this is what I've been planning/doing:

-*- Continuing to write my novel.

I'm working on a little writing project that I may post later on. It's based on the game that my friends and I play.
It's similar to Dungeons and Dragons but instead of dice, we use rock-paper-scissors.
And instead of making any kind of coherent ruleset, we basically make everything on the fly.

For example:
DM: You manage to sneak into the king's castle unnoticed. Suddenly, you are ambushed by an orc invader!
Me: I force him to pay my mortgage.
DM: You... what?
DM: Um, okay. He leaves with your mortgage.
Me in my mind: Little does he know. I'm homeless.

That's just an example but the novel that I'm writing based on this is obviously going to need a lot of reworking.
I am keeping all the gags and inside jokes though.

-*- Joining the next Ludum Dare.

I still don't know how to pronounce "Dare".
But yes, I've been joining a few game jams recently and I do want to start getting my name out there so I think the next Ludum Dare wouldn't be a bad place to start.
And that's about it.

I mean I do have a few other ideas like a game about a robotic pianist and a website that lets you upload a file like Mediafire but also allows you to put a timer on it so you can only open it after or on a certain date.
Basically, a time capsule website with a few other uses.

But for now I'm not planning on doing much besides the first two.

I do feel like I should be doing more though, so if any of you guys have a recommendation or anything you want to tell me then you can send me a message on reddit or email me at

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